medical kidnapping adults

She received a standing ovation from members of Congress. What about kids? While we published over 400 articles on the medical kidnapping issue in just the first year, we have good reason to believe that the family stories we have published represent but a mere fraction of the tragic stories currently happening all across America today. Parents Lose Custody of Disabled Adult Son for Questioning Psych Drugs Ian Bankert at his high school graduation. Most people would answer yes, there are certain situations where it is correct for the State to remove children from their parents, in situations where the children need to be protected. While pre-COVID about a half million children were put into the foster care system nationwide, about three times that number of adults were medically kidnapped, with 1.3 million, mostly seniors, forced into a state-appointed guardianships representing $50 billion of their assets seized by the State. Health Impact News has reported a number of adult kidnapping stories over the years. "Adult/elder protective services" is a money-making industry, which should set off nonstop warning bells to the . Medical kidnapping is part of a larger problem of State-sponsored child kidnapping. Hoover PD receives sensory inclusive training So is medical kidnapping - false child abuse accusation by a child "advocacy" pediatrician leading to apprehension of children, long-term harassments by Children's Aid Services, potential criminal charges, staggering lawyer bills and long-lasting emotional trauma for the whole family. While there are over 400,000 children in Foster Care in the U.S., there are over 1.3 million seniors who have been kidnapped by the State through State guardianships, representing over $50 BILLION in seized assets. To stay informed on this subject, check out the newly-launched website which documents even more cases of this systematic medical abuse of American children. Not only are children of disabled parents eligible for benefits but disabled children placed in out of home placement are also eligible for Federal benefits being Social security. The hospital had already amputated the girl's arm and her mother was . Shortly after, the Southeast Georgia Health System contacted GCPD regarding two stabbing victims. When they do go public, the judge over their case in family court usually issues a gag order against them. So far, six people have been arrested, including the two reported shortly after the fight. This because her father refused to obey a court-directed gag order and went to the media with their story. Most of the stories that we cover at Medical Kidnap involve children who were taken from their families by Child Protective Services. They act and take actions with no regard for the constitutions of the states or the nation. 12+ years old children are the kidnapping victims in around 80% of all cases that include minors Girls from 12 to 17 years of age are the most typical victims of abduction Human trafficking is a $150 billion-worth industry 99% of sex trafficking victims are females Human trafficking wasn't a federal crime in the US until 2000 Many reports have been published documenting how children who are wards of the State are taking many more prescription drugs than those living with their families. The right to legal counsel, your Miranda rights, and the right to a speedy jury trial are American rights protected by our Constitution. Corruption and Medical Malpractice Coverup involving Arizona CPS? Yet, Gloria Byars was the guardian recommended by the non-profit Philadelphia Corporation for Aging to oversee the lives and estates of many senior citizens in the Philadelphia area. In the United States, a million and a half adults are under the care of guardians, either family members or professionals, who control some two hundred and seventy-three billion dollars in assets, according to an auditor for the guardianship fraud program in Palm Beach County. Courts are an accessory to consel the crime of Social security fraud by child support orders. Elder Justice Center providing help for neglected and abused adults Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Attorneys Report Spike in Calls for Help From Families of Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 by Nanette Holt The authors wrote that guardianship is generally permanent, leaving no way outuntil death do us part. . The parents, now residents of California, are originally from the former Soviet Union. Stockholm syndrome is often linked to high profile hostage situations. COMING NEXT: Medical Kidnapping of Kids & Adults Who Aren't Vaccinated So is this training video for judges in Arizona designed to carry out their oath and seek justice for protecting families, or to fill their quota of children that need to become wards of the state to receive federal funds to pay everyones salaries and benefits? Here is what Judge Brain said: What happens then when a majority of the removal team under (section) 8-822 doesnt agree with the removal? Since the father is a Russian national, this incident caused an international uproar. Learn more about the history . Hostage and kidnap survivors can experience stress reactions. The battle over . States lose federal funds if they dont meet a certain quota of children placed into foster care, and if the federal funding dried up, there would be no motivation whatsoever to take children away from parents. You may also recall our report on young Cassandra C., also published that same year. The following information is needed, the childs Social security number, the parents social security number, the case number for the child support case as well as the Termination case id. by Dr. Eric D. Keefer D.D. Adults have the right, both morally and legally, to make decisions about their medical care. Radio talk show personality and activist Marti Oakley has dared to ask the question: are rules and regulations intentionally being written to encourage the Medical system to systematically "cull" the very sick and the old from the rest of society by confiscating their wealth . You can contact us here to share your story: Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Home Crimes, Health, North America Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Listen to Post Arizona's Family | Phoenix News - The medical community, for the large part, says Dr. Lyons-Weiler, does not really know or understand the risks of vaccines. Would the alleged victim, in this case the woman making the complaint, be the one removed from the home? 18 U.S. Code 1201 - Kidnapping. They areassumed guilty by social services of something worthy of losing their children, usually with no formal charges filed in a court of law, and no trial by a jury of peers as is afforded by the Constitution of the United States of America. Photo source. However, I would like to suggest that the Constitution of the United States of America protects the rights of individuals and families, and that it is never lawful for social services to remove a child from their biological parents, taking them out of their home and making them a ward of the State, removing legal custody from their parents. Kidnapping - Wikipedia Parental Rights and Medical Treatment of Special Needs Children. Until this happens, however, the U.S. will continue to be one of the most dangerous places in the world for children to live, and parents will constantly be in fear of taking their child to a doctor or health professional, for fear that they may lose their children if they disagree with someone in the powerful pharmaceutical industry, where corruption and criminal activity is also rampant. Rebecca Fierle has now resigned and faces criminal charges, but how many more like her are still out there? Guardians in many states are not required to undergo background checks, and it is stunningly easy in some places for anyone to become a guardian. Carlos Morales is a former CPS investigator, and in the video below, titled Foster Homes: Where Good Kids Go To Die, heexposes the seedy underworld of foster homes in the United States, where children are routinely abusedphysically, emotionally, and sexually. Others, like this one reported by ABC News in Raleigh, North Carolina, regarding 24-year-old, Ian Bankert, involves the seizure of adult children with mental illness or disability from their parents who have loved, raised, and cared for their children their entire lives. One of the people arrested is a Rincon High staff member. Unknown to the parents at the time, there was funding and drug trials going on for this rare condition. Ian's story is another in a long list of cases where the financial and academic interests of one group - psychiatrists and public guardians - are pitted against the civil rights and familial interests of individuals and their families. The first stories we published were stories that were originallypublished by local mainstream media in the communities where the medical kidnappings allegedly occurred. CPS has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Nate Tseglin was born on November 5, 1989 to Ilya and Riva Tsleglin. In almost all of the medical kidnapping stories we have covered, no formal criminal charges are ever brought against the parents. Ronnie Robinson, the head of this organization, pleaded guilty to health care fraud after scheming to defraud Medicaid of $3.4 million in fraudulent reimbursement payments from false claims. Anna and Alex Nikolayev with their baby Sammy. Diplomats were sent to attend the hearing in Sacramento. So it begs the question: why are similar stories happening right here in the U.S. not getting the same kind of media coverage? Below is a recorded video from before her death. It is a wicked act. Rights of Special Needs Children | Special Needs Attorney You know children receiving in home care for, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Physical therapy, in home health services. FDA panel narrowly backs Pfizer RSV vaccine for older adults Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. More than 30 years ago, throughout the United States, state governments created agencies known as elder protective services. Scared Podcast In this true story, a young girl is kidnapped by two strange men at the tender age of 8 and held captive as a sex slave for 8 long years. It is a result of overzealous enforcement of the child protection laws in states all over the U.S. including Michigan. TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - KOLD has uncovered more information about a violent fight at a Tucson school last year. Adjusting to life after being held hostage or kidnapped I am very glad that the public and the media was outraged over the injustice of Baby Alfie in the U.K., so much so that there were demonstrations in the streets protesting medical tyranny and standing up for parental rights. They want to warn others. In a case bearing several similarities to Justina Pelletiers familys experience with Boston Childrens Hospital, and Isaiah Riders familys experience with Lurie Childrens Hospital in Chicago, 10 and 12 year old sisters wereseized by Phoenix Childrens Hospital over a medical dispute. Oh also these medical professionals that provide in-home services can be classified as witness tampering and obstruction of justice since those professionals are often used in the courts against the parents after being BRIBBED by awarded contracts of services . State-sponsored kidnapping is where the State steps in and decides that they know what is best for a child or group of children within a family, and then removes the children without any formal charges being brought against the parents. Doctors (mostly psychiatrists) and courts have the power to step in and take over the entire lives of such individuals, isolating them from their families and ultimately deciding every aspect of their care. here on MedicalKidnap. The kidnapping of adults is often for ransom or to force someone to withdraw money from an ATM, but may also be for sexual assault. What follows is just a small portion of the medical kidnappings and forced medical poisonings of children happening across America. Howze has been charged with kidnapping and four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. Experience: 28 years 470-695-0727 123 Church Street NE, Suite 220, Marietta, GA 30060 David West & Associates has experience helping clients with their Kidnapping needs in Atlanta, Georgia. Idaho Judge Sanctions Medical Kidnapping and Child Trafficking as Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing - Vaccine Impact February 3, 2022 Print This Post Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Image Source. Stockholm syndrome is a proposed condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors. A study published this year by the American Bar Association found that an unknown number of adults languish under guardianship when they no longer need it, or never did. As yet I have not seen any legal action com out of the allegations involving the democrats, but many senior figures in the UK government have, over the years been implicated. Because you'll get better health care and you'll get better freedom if you are in prison. Stockholm Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Examples - Healthline They have a younger son Robert as well. Media heavyweights such as Dr. Phil, Mike Huckabee, and Glenn Beck picked up her story. You canread the entire story here. Help End Idaho Medical Kidnapping - Bill Proposed for 2023 - There are also federal funds in place for foster care. Kidnap and extortion - National Crime Agency Adult medical kidnapping - Medical Kidnap The corruption of CPS, which is growing, has been well documented since the late 1990s. Attorney Allison Folmar (left) and Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo (right). Callahan realized the only way to truly help the children was to tell their stories. The New Medical Kidnapping Panic - VAXOPEDIA Are Hospitals And Child Protective Services Conspiring To Kidnap Children? The former head of the Australian Braoadcsting Corporation David Hill spoke at length of the abuse he suffered when he was a forced immigrant to Australia post WWII. This may be done on the Social security web report fraud. Once the medical kidnapping occurs, the family is left to fight it out in Family Court to try to get their children back. Russia accused the United States of abusing the couples human rights. Foster children suffer from drug abuse, sexual abuse, physical harm, and many other crimes at a much higher rate than children who are left with their biological parents. The state agencies would cease to exist. Also, since we are one of the few news organizations willing to tackle this issue, many also started to come to us with adult medical kidnapping stories,most of them being the kidnapping of seniors and the seizure of their assets to cover medical expenses. 13-year-old Oregon girl with cancer mandated to have surgery over mom's Foster parents or parents of adopted children are often required to administer these drugs whether they agree or not. They do not believe that having a disability such as Asperger's Syndrome gives the State a right to kidnap their son. Other stories that Health Impact News reported on because other media outlets first reported the stories include: Late in 2014, Health Impact News was receiving so many reports from parents who were telling us their stories about how their children were being medically kidnapped, that we started a separate website just to document their stories. It, is OK if you are not in KY, it is a place to rally together until you. Julius' story began long before Health Impact News was contacted about his plight in the fall of 2015. Anyone who has ever received any federal benefits have clear knowledge that other income affects the eligibility of said benefits and the courts and state workers can not claim plausible deniability to their involvement in FRAUD or intent to conceal their activity in a fraudulent act, thus more evidence in RICCO and RACKEETERING. Websites such as advertise and market children available for adoption. Treatment of Baby Alfie While Ignoring Same Medical Kidnapping Seen in U.S. Every Day, Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care $50 BILLION in Assets Seized, Public Warning: Boston is a Cesspool of Adult Medical Kidnappings, Medical Kidnapping of Seniors: A $273 BILLION Industry, Medically Kidnapped Disabled Man Held Against his Will in Orange County California, World War II Veteran Medically Kidnapped in New York Dies in Pain on Thanksgiving Day. Ill apt to be once once again to read a fantastic deal more, several thanks for that information. 3 Ways to Report a Kidnapping - wikiHow North Carolina Whistle-blower Imprisoned, Daughter Kidnapped by CPS Are Their Lives Now in Danger? Current law enforcement agencies in place at the local level can handle complaints against bad parents the same way they do against any other criminals. They want the public to know their story. So her legal battle continues. They include medical drug trials where children are needed and where parents and insurance companies would not approve, and the lucrative child sex trafficking business. Bret Bohn from Alaska was medically kidnapped for 8 months. Health Impact News was ordered by the court in Arizona, via Melissa Diegel, to remove their story (Health Impact News did not comply.) Dehydration - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Thats down slightly from the previous low of 63.2 in 2011. There are many more. Medical kidnapping isn't an issue that often makes headlines, but it is nonetheless a serious violation of patient rights. Attorney Explains how to Protect Against America's Epidemic of Senior First, when the due process of the law is followed to arrest someone, hold them in confinement, bring them before a judge to press charges, and then follow the judicial process of bringing about a speedy trial, all of these actions are a burden to the state. Kidnappings & Missing Persons. If You've Never Heard of Medical Kidnapping, Pay Attention When Justina was finally released from State custody after national outrage, Justina and her family traveled to Washington D.C. to promote Justinas Law, a bipartisan bill proposed to end medical research on children. (Research and citation here.). As a result, they seized custody of Isaiahand put him into a foster home in a rough neighborhood in Chicago, where he claims he was sexually abused. So why is it happening? Attorney Belanger is commenting on a recent article published in Law360 entitled: Trump Admin Stonewalling Attys Probes Into Elder Abuse. And you'll have more dignity in prison than you will have - than we have witnessed - in nursing homes. Until we can get our website up and running, please join the KY group Startseite > Uncategorized > medical kidnapping adults. But as Carlos Morales clearly explains in the video above, children need to be protected from CPS and the corrupt foster care system, more than they do from their natural parents. It was painful. The mother, seeing what was happening outside, set up the camera to record the whole incident (see video above). Little is known about the outcome of these arrangements, because states do not keep complete figures on guardianship casesstatutes vary widelyand, in most jurisdictions, the court records are sealed. As John P. Thomas has reported in his article,Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?, fertility rates are plummeting: Add to this the growing list of states that are legalizing same-sexmarriages adding more couples unable to conceive children, and it is easy to see that the adoption business is growing due to increased demand. The investigation was prompted by the Orlando Sentinel's report that one of her patients died due to her "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order, even after the patient and family requested that the DNR be rescinded. Laredo Regular relates the tragic ending of this World War II Veterans life: "My Grandpa, Julius Corley, officially passed away on Thanksgiving afternoon after being on life support in the prior weeks. Covering Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Gilbert, the valley . Description from This book of her stories is true. Medical Kidnapping | National Expert Attorney Allison Folmar Can Help Between 2007 and 2013, the number of babies born to teens annually fell by 38.4 percent, according to research firm Demographic Intelligence. We It marked the fifth year in a row the U.S. birth rate has declined, and the lowest rate on record since the government started tracking the fertility rate in 1909. In 2013 and 2014, Justina Pelletier became a national symbol for children and families all across America who have gone through legal medical kidnapping. It is from theirDependency Video Seriestraining Family Court Judges on how to handle Dependency cases in family court. List of medical kidnappings happening now in America There are multiple reasons why this is happening, but they are very easy to understand. The second major medical kidnapping story that Health Impact News covered was in 2013, the story of the Nikolayev family in Sacramento. The outage affected television services, customer service sites, and even the ability of customers to pay their bills. On Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, a panel of U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisers narrowly backed an experimental vaccine from Pfizer that could become the first shot to protect older adults against the RSV respiratory virus. Adult guardianship is the legal process by which an individual assumes the role of decision-maker for an adult who becomes unable to make such decisions for himself/herself. Here are a few of those tragic stories: Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital (over 1 million shares on Facebook), Breastfeeding 2-day Old Newborn Seized From Parents Because Mother Has Disability, Homebirthed Newborn Medically Kidnapped at Illinois Childrens Hospital, CPS Takes 1 Day Old Baby from Mom Because She Left the Hospital Too Early.