George married Williamina Burrows. ), The Testimone of Mary Warren aged twenty yeares or thereaboutes Testifeyeth and saith that Sometime in July last mr Burrougs pinched mee very much and choaked me almost to death: and I saw and hard him sound a Trumpett and Immediatly I saw severall com to him as namely Capt Allding Mis Cary and goody pudeater and severall others and they urged me to goe along with them to their sacremental meeting and mr Burroughs brought to me bread to eat and wine to drink which I Refuseing he did most greviously torment me urging me vehemently to writ in his book: also I have seen mr George Burroughs or his Apperance most greviously tormenting mary walcott and Ann putnam and I verily beleve in my heart that Mr. George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has severall times tormented me and the affore said persons by his acts of wicthcraft, Mary Warrin declared: upon: her oath; to the Jury of Inquest that the above written This caused many in the audience to second guess his guilt. John Putnam and his wife Rebecca testified that when Burroughs stayed at their house, he was often harsh towards his first wife, Hannah, and Burroughs once told them that he required Hannah to sign a written agreement that she would never reveal his secrets. to death, but hee would choake me that my vittals should doe me but litl good then he told mee his name was borros which had preached at the vliage the last night hee Came to mee and asked mee whether i would goe to the village to morrow to witnes against him i asked him if hee was exsamened then hee told hee was then i told him i would goe then hee told mee hee would kil mee beefoar morning then hee apeared to mee at the hous of nathanniel ingolson and told mee hee had been the death of three children at the eastward and had kiled two of his wifes the first hee smouthered and the second he choaked and killed tow of his own children, (Reverse) Susannah Shelden against G. Burroughs, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Although historians have blamed her accusation on causes ranging from a conspiracy against Andover's proprietary families to reaction against threats to patriarchal . *Simon Willard Jurat in Curia, Simon willard owned:to the Jury of inquest:that the The grave site of George Burroughs. Elisha Hutchinson, a magistrate there, issued the proper order, addressed to John Partridge in Portsmouth, Field-marshal of the provinces of New Hampshire and Maine, dated April 30, 1692, to arrest George Burroughs, preacher at Wells; he being suspected of a confederacy with the devilWhen we consider the distance and the circumstances of travel at that time, it is evident that the officers charged with the service acted with the greatest promptitude, celerity, and energy. Yet, upon closer inspection, there were a multitude of factors that brought him under suspicion, and many of these surrounded his spirituality and commitment to Puritanism. Jurat in Curia, wee whose names are under writen being present with Ann putnam att the time above mentioned hard hir declare what is above writen what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr. George Burroughs : and allso beheld hir tortors:and perceived her hellish temtations by hir loud out cries I will not I will not writ tho you torment al days of my life:and being conversant with hir ever sence have seen hir tortored and complaining that Mr. Burroughs hirt hir.and tempts hir to writ in his Book On June 25th, 2022, George was called to his eternal reward. In 2003, George required an ablation procedure due to an arrhythmia. Providence, but he understood nothing of it August 1974 . that we haveing ben conversant with severall of the afflected persons as maryWolcott mercy lewes Eliz: Hubburt and we have seen them most dreadfully tomented and we have seen dreadfull marks in their fleesh which they said Mr. Burroughs did make by hurting them: but on 9th may 1692 : the day of the Examination of Mr. George Burroughs the aforesaid parsons were most dreadfully tormented during the time of his Examination as if they would have been torn all to peaces or all their bones putt out of joynt and with such tortors as no tounge can express also severall times sence we have seen the afforesaid afflected parsons most dreadfully tormented and greviously complaining of Mr. Burroughs for hurting them and we beleve that Mr. George Burroughs the prisoner at the bar has severall times afflected and tormented the afforesaid persons by acts of witchcraft.. 2, no. Trachea, bronchus and lung cancers deaths have risen from 1.2 million to 1.8 million and are now ranked 6th among leading causes of death. George Burroughs was the only minister that was executed during the Salem Witch Trials. Obituary of Dr. George McLaughlin Burrows | Forrest & Taylor Funera 31, 2021, 072: Elizabeth How Executed July 19, 1692, SWP No. Burroughs was apparently familiar with some works of Thomas Ady, critical of witchcraft prosecutions, whom he later quoted at his trial: "A Candle in the Dark", 1656; "A Perfect Discovery of Witches", 1661; and "The Doctrine of Devils", 1676. Witnesses. Because the executions took place during a heat wave, the bodies had to be buried immediately in a shallow grave at the execution site to prevent them from rotting. Mercy Lewis: Orphaned Afflicted Girl - History of Massachusetts Blog In 1690, Burroughs moved to Wells, Maine where he continued to preach. One of the witnesses was Thomas Greenlit, who recounted a story about witnessing Burroughs place his finger in the muzzle of a heavy gun and then lifted it up and also placed two fingers in the bung of a full barrel of molasses, lifted it up and carried it around: That about the breaking Out of this last Indian Warr being at the house of Capt Scottows at black point he Saw Mr George Bur- roughs lift and hold Out a gunn of Six foot barrell or thereabouts putting the forefinger of his right hand into the Muzle of sd gunn and So held it Out at Armes End Only with that finger and further this deponent Testifieth that at the Same time he Saw the Said Burroughs take up a full barrell of Malasses wth but two fingers of one of his hands in the bung & Carry it from the Stage head to the Door at the End of the Stage Without letting it downe & that Liut Richard Hunniwell & John Greinslitt & Some other persons that are Since dead Were then present.. Jurat in Curia, (Reverse) Sarah Viber ag't Burroughs became disillusioned with the community when they failed to pay his wages, and when his wife died suddenly in 1681, he resorted to borrowing money from community member John Putnam to pay for her funeral. However they were enough to fix the character of a witch upon him according to the rules of reasoning, by the judicious Gaule, in that case directed.. 32 ), The Deposition of Ann putnam: who testifieth and saith that on 20'th of April 1692 :at evening she saw the Apperishtion of a Minister at which she was greviously affrighted and cried out oh dreadfull: dreadfull here is a minister com:what are Ministers wicthes to: whence com you and What is your name for I will complaine of:you tho you be A minister: if you be a wizzard; and Immediatly I was tortored by him being Racked and all most choaked by him: and he tempted me to write in his book which I Refused with loud out cries and said I would not writ in his book tho he tore me al to peaces but tould him that it was a dreadfull thing: that he which was a Minister that should teach children to feare God should com to perswad poor creatures to give their souls to the divill: oh. 119: Margaret Scott Executed, September 22, 1692, SWP No. 2. Rebecca Burrows, who came from Virginia that she might enjoy God in his ordinance in N.E., & who joined the church in Roxbury 19, July 1657.. Sam: Sewall Esqrs Former Site of the Salem CourthouseAddress: Washington Street (about 100 feet south of Lynde Street), opposite the Masonic Temple, Salem, Mass. She was the youngest of six siblings, and had three sisters, Mary (1644-1695), Sarah (1646-1716), and Hannah (1652-1698), and two brothers, Andrew (1657 . Among those in the crowd was the colonys most prominent minister Reverend Increase Mather. In 1711,thelegislatureof the Province of Massachusetts Bayrestored all rights to those who had been accused in the 1692 witch trials. Tom flint Jurat George H Burroughs (1914 - 2005) - Flint, MI [1] The Lewis family next settled in Salem. Robert Calef later said that he had been buried so poorly that his chin and hand protruded from the ground. Jno. On August 5, George Burroughs was indicted by a grand jury; then a trial jury found him and five others guilty of witchcraft. 1700.Mather, Cotton. Death: August 19, 1692 (37-46) . A Facebook post said, "Toxicology report was made public by the MN prosecution revealing the cause of George Floyd's death was a fentanyl overdose." That's not what the county medical examiner . He had to borrow money for his wife's funeral. [12], Execution of Reverend George Burroughs, 1901 drawing, Genealogy of the Burroughs Family, 1894. 2, no. He was accused of such acts as lifting weights beyond what would be humanly possible to lift. On August 2, the Court of Oyer and Terminer heard the case against Burroughs, as well as cases against John and Elizabeth Proctor, Martha Carrier, George Jacobs, Sr. and John Willard. *Thomas putnam Burroughs denied these accusations, but they were common accusations against him. Following weeks of testimony in a closely watched case, a 12-member jury found former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin . Tragedy Info - Michael Hensley Obituary - Death: Burroughs | Facebook James Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA. Humbly craving continually your prayers and help in this distressed case, so praying almighty God continually to prepare you, that you may be a terror to evil-doers and a praise to them that do well, we remain yours to serve in what we are able. He was the only minister to have experienced this fate in American history. George Burroughs . 2, No. Hubbard Online Pennsylvania Death Indexes, Records & Obituaries The six, including Burroughs, were sentenced to death. Tennessee: City Death Records, 1872-1923 for Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga(at Ancestry/requires payment) coverage varies by city; includes digitized images of the death certificates or registers Tennessee Death Indexes, 1908-1912 and 1914-1933from the Tennessee State Library and Archives ", This branch of the family has been in VA for several hundred years. This article was interesting to me since I am 7th generation from Martha Carrier. This memorial website was created in memory of George Burroughs, 38, born on January 17, 1915 and passed away on April 0, 1953. In January of 1712, the court ordered that 6 of the 50 pounds was to be divided in equal shares among all of Burroughs children: Charles Burroughs, Jeremiah Burroughs, Rebecca Fowle, Hannah Fox, Elizabeth Thomas, and Mary Burroughs. Weld swone I will not writ in your book tho you doe kil me ), the Deposition of John putnam & Rebecah his wife testifieth and saith that in the yeare :80: Mr Burros lived in our house nine month, there being a great differanc betwixt Sd Barros & his wife, the differanc was so great that they did Desier us the deponants to com into their room to hear their difference, the contrivercy that was betwixt them was that the afor s'd Burros did rquier his wife to give him a written covenant under her hand and Seall that shee would never reveall his secrits, our anser was that they had once made a covenant before god and men which covenant we did conseive did bind each other to keep their lawfull secrits, and further saith that all the time that s'd Burros did live att our house he was a very sharp man to his wife, notwithstanding to our observation shee was a very good and dutifully wife to him The same day after lecttor in the said: Ingersolls chamber abigaill williams mary walcot said that goody hobs of topfell bitt mary walcot by the foot then both falling into a fit as soone as it was over the said william hobs and his wife goe both of them a long the table; the said hucheson tooke his rapier stabed goody hobs one the side as abigaill williams & mary walcot saide: the said abigaill & mar said the roome was full of them then the said hucheson & Ely putnam stabed with their raperres at a ventor then said mary & abigell you have killed a greet black woman of Stonintown. Salem Witchcraft. George Burroughs. appeared in their winding sheets, & said that Deliberance Hobbs {testimony read 022: George Burroughs Executed, August 19, 1692, SWP No. peter prescott Salem Village , this 21'st of April, 1692 Much honored: This being about.4.a clock in the after noon, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft Vol. ), Mary Webber wid aged aboute 53 years Testifieth and sayth that she liveing at Casco Bay aboute six or seaven years agoe, when George Burroughs was Minester at s'd place, and liveing anner -- Neighbour to s'd Burroughs , was well acquainted with his wife w'ch was dauter to mr John Ruck of Salem she hath heard her tell much of her husband unkindness to her and that she dare not wright to her father to acquaint [him] how it was with her, and soe desired mee to wright to her father that he would be pleased to send for her and told mee she had beene much affrighted, and that something in the night made anoise in the chamber where she lay as if one Went aboute the Chamber, and she calling up the negro. Cotton Mather witnessed the event as well. ), You are Required in their Maj'sts names to aprehend the body of mr George Buroughs at present preacher at Wells in the provence of Maine, & Convay him with all Speed to Salem before the Magestrates there, to be Examened, he being Suspected for a Confederacy with the devil in opressing of Sundry about Salem as they relate. ), Elizer Keysar aged aboute fourty five yeares Sayth that on Thursday last past being the fift day of this Instant moneth of May I was at the house of Thomas [Beadles] in salem, and Capt Daniell King being there also, at the same tyme, and in the Same Roome. 2, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. 35. and that he had made Abigail Hobbs a wicth and: severall wicthes more: and he has continewed ever sence; by times tempting me to write in his book and greviously tortoring me by beating pinching and almost choaking me severall times a day and he also tould me that he was above wicth for he was a cunjurer Hillar, at the Princess-Arms, in Leaden-Hall-Street, over against St. Mary-Ax, and Joseph Collier, at the Golden Bible, on London Bridge. His first wife was Hannah Fisher; they had nine children. Letter from Fancis Littlefield and others to Governor and Councils. He left in 1683, moving back to Falmouth. The judges also asked Burroughs when he last took communion, which he couldnt remember, and asked how many of his children were baptized, which he answered only the eldest was, and asked if it was true that he refused to let his second wife, Sarah Ruck Hathorne, write to her father without letting him see the letter first, which he denied. Putnam testified again later on that the spirits of Burroughss wives also came to her on May 5 and told her that Burroughs had murdered them, his first wife said he had stabbed her at the parsonage in Salem Village and the second wife said he killed her in the vessell as she was coming to see her friends because they would have one another.. Despite being far away from the witch hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts, Burroughs name was brought up as a witch and a warrant was put out for his arrest. Thanks for writing it. He answered that it was an amazing & humbling She is a former faculty member of the Humanist Institute. On August 19, Burroughs was taken to Gallows Hill to be executed. 133: Samuel Wardwell Executed, September 22, 1692, SWP No. as I was agoeing to Salem village I saw the apperishtion of a little man like a minister with a black coat on and he pinched me by the arme and bid me goe along with him but I tould him I would not but when I cam to the village I saw theire Mr. George Burroughs which I never saw before and then I knew that it was his apperishtion which I had seen in the morning and he tortured me several times while he was in examination also dureing the time of his examination I saw Mr. George Burroughs or his Apparanec most greviously torment and afflect Mary Walcott mercy Luis Elizabeth Hubbert Ann putnam and abigaill williams by pinching twisting & almost choaking them to death also severall times sence mr george Burroughs or his Apperance has most greviously tormented me with variety of tortors and I beleve in my heart that mr George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has most greviously tormented me and the above mentioned parson by his acts of wicthcraft, Sarah Viber declared to the Jury of inquest:that the above written evidence is the truth:Aug'st 3: 1692 the which she owned on her oath
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