one question why would you use the letter H twice when trying to figure out the meaning in Hebrew when the word JEHOVAH itself only has one H ?? But God knows their inmost thoughts. It is part of proclamations and prayers in Scripture, and is always associated with God's goodness to His people. He commands us to love. People on the highest mountains could hear the cries and shrieks of trapped multitudes as the lower heights became engulfed by swirling waters. (See photo below) Their intentions were to prevent those in synagogues from saying Gods name. Lessons in Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by John Oakes Lessons in English and French, Sermons in Merced by Dr. John Oakes Ezekiel II Dramatic Symbolism. But even more tragic is the story of Judah. ( ), or YAHUAH is not God The Father. And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan" (Exod 6:3-4). rent to own house in quezon city 5k monthly. This chapter narrates the prophet's first contact with God and how he is given his mission to spread His Word throughout the world. How far away from The Holy Spirit do you have to be to call Him by 2 different names? The oldest mention of (negro) YAHWEY is the Mesha Stele erected by King Mesha of Moab to celebrate YAHWEYS victory in war over the ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] in 840 BCE, they were not YAHWEYS chosen people. Around the 3rd century BC, out of their reverence for the command "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" (Exodus 20:7), Jewish tradition held that the word YHWY was sacred. Therefore, when the apostles spoke to The Christ they called Him , Iesous, or JESUS. The answer is yes. Which is the true religion: Christianity, Islam or Zoroastrianism, and why? There is nothing loving about him. 5 The rebellion against God in the garden of Eden raised an important issue or question. If you want to know the Hebrew meaning of a word, you should ask a Hebrew speaker (or in this case the ancient Hebrew meaning of the word can be learned from a speaker of ancient Hebrew). Satan the devil used to be an angel the he decided he wants to be as great as Jehovah so he made an very evil plan to not obey Jehovah. Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, representing the biblical pronunciation of "YHWH," the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. Please comment. The original language was Hebrew and Aramaic, all other languages came into play after captivity. Just as God created man with the need to eat food and drink water, so man was made with the need to obey Gods laws. Suff. What's the difference between Jehovah and Jesus? - Quora Jehovah is a latinized pronunciation of the Hebrew name for God, most likely pronounced Yahweh, Yehwah or Yehowah in Hebrew. Eve believed Satan. Please continue to further your studies. What have been the results of humans trying to govern themselves without Gods guidance? If you are disobeying Jehovah, then you will hear lots of lies. The only true research about the things of God come from His WORD; the BIBLE. If you still dont understand or dont agree, you can request a free Bible study with Jehovahs Witnesses. By means of the question, Why does God allow wickedness?, the Watchtower is asserting that God allows wickedness., A few areas of information on who Jehovah REALLY is: In fact, crime, pollution, war, family breakdown and other problems have reached such a dangerous stage that scientists believe mans very existence is threatened. If man ignores Gods laws, he will come into difficulty, just as surely as he would suffer if he ignored his bodys need for food and water.Proverbs 3:5,6. Her website reveals horrendous English, including grammar, punctuation and spelling. It can be seen that the name Jehovah is a particular name for the people of Israel who lived under the law and this name represents God's merciful, majestic and unoffendable disposition. Jesus Is Jehovah (YHWH) | Religious Studies Center Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account., Is Satan Real? Jehovah permits wickedness because it's an answer to Satan's original challenge. As early in Scripture as the book of Exodus, God speaks of Himself using this name; in this case to Moses: "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them." HE said EHJEH ASHER EHJEH. THUS SHALL YOU SAY TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: EHJEH ASHER EHJEH. ( I AM JE) I JE HAS SENT ME TO YOU. I JE (HIS name) + SUS (God with us) = JESUS! Even strongs concordance which you base your argument on, points to 1961 hayah as the root of the name Jehovah and not 1943 hovah. Psalm 4 Meaning - Verse by Verse Explanation from Bible. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God . Please punch my link for more hidden knowledge about YAHWEY the negro moon god, and THE ALPHA & THE OMEGA JESUS! Are you listening? Three persons, God-fearing Lot and his daughters, lived to report the terrible experience. But there is the promise of so many more blessings. However only ONE statement is supported in scripture; ONE statement is taking scripture out of context;ONEstatement is contradicted by scripture; and the remaining FIVE statements have no support from the bible at all! M. Biglino full book pdf: Wow. Are riots in the streets, the destruction of property and life and the widespread lawlessness things of which to be proud? Oh my goodnessIm so confused.So what is the name? Disregard for the rule of law is everywhere evident, in private as well as in public life. Do you see what has just happened? Jehovah Tsidkenu - Jehovah establishes, English: Jehonadab All rights reserved. They had refused to reform. Claiming to be a continuation of a first-century Christian congregation, they cite the ancient faith's refusal to participate in war as one reason for their own refusal. Jehovah definition: Jehovah is the name given to God in the Old Testament . With the letter iot/jot if you have a consonant after the letter iot/jot the name has the letter I sound. What helps us to understand that a loving God would temporarily permit wickedness? The Watchtower quotes Genesis 3:3-5 to support the statement that Satan called God a liar. What good has been done by Gods permission of wickedness? We must have faith and truth through loving all that is. It was one of the first of many expressions of love God showed to His people. No. This work is said by many to have been the first work that contained the spelling, Jehovah. HOW IS IT THE MOST HIGH SAID HE APPEARED TO ABRAHAM, ISSAC AND JACOB, BY THE NAME OF GOD ALMIGHTY, BUT BY HIS NAME JEHOVAH THEY DID NOT KNOW HIM AS. There has been no swift retribution for their crimes, so they imagine that nothing will ever happen to them. They will correctly answer the questions that you believe you have the answers to, What Was Gods Original Purpose for Man?, Who Is Satan? Man is incapable of governing himself without God. Ephesians 3:20"[God] Is Able to Do Exceedingly Abundantly Above All YAHWEY was a desert warrior with a sword and spears. Popes and Priests declare they can forgive the sins of men. Eph 6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. SEE THIS POST TO SEE YEHOVAH IS GOD ALMIGHTY. "Jehovah, modern form of the Hebrew sacred name of God, probably originally 'Yahweh.' From c.300 B.C. Another form for H1942; ruin: mischief. Vatican declares power over all Governments, Vatican seeks to abolish separation of Church and State, Vatican declares its hatred for the Word of God. They take to this by watching others lay out the word Jehovah like a loaf of bread, and slicing it up into parts. What kind of progress is it when men can walk on the moon but cannot live together in peace on the earth? Jehovah is the name God uses in His forming a relationship with man. Psalm 4-1. (LogOut/ I hope I have helped and please dont hesitate to ask for a Bible study. Mountains were transformed into islands as the rising waters separated families. And yes i believe yahweh is the demi-urge and it feeds off of emotions that are not Love but fear June 12, 2022 . As the Most High God of Israel had chose a people, Satan did too, he chose Jews, specifically Ashkenazi. Righteous Lot dwelt in Sodom, and he was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people in loose conduct. In order to satisfy their animalistic passions, those men of Sodom were prepared to resort to violence against apparently defenseless strangers. But can a person speak of true progress when the bow and arrow have been replaced by the atomic bomb, and when the world now is in great fear of another world war? No more discussion needed, because this is what God told Moses. Did the Bible ever say that Jehovah is evil? Yet, is it right to reach that conclusion? What good is it for men to build homes equipped with all kinds of modern conveniences when the families who live in them are torn apart by troubles? It is the "revelation of Jesus Christ" meaning Johns vision was showing an aspect of Jesus his disciples and the world had never seen- His justice and wrath. Not according to Genesis 3:13 where it reads: Jehovah God then said to the woman: What is this you have done? The woman replied: The serpent deceived me, so I ate.. Seen in light of Scripture, it also hints at His all-present nature: seeing, knowing, and actually being with us. We hear preachers use it in sermons,. "Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts." King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > View Chapter Jeremiah 2:19 Context JESUS! The result as we know it, has become Yahweh. We hear preachers use it in sermons, and we sing it during hymns and songs: "Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land. The only means of avoiding God's wrath is repentance. But by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. (2Pet. Can humans, under the invisible direction of Satan, rule successfully without Jehovahs direction? The word used in the Zohar to describe God is "Ein Sof," which translates to "The Infinite" or "The Endless One. Click Ok to proceed and accept cookies. you cannot have without that is not within. But nineteen hundred years ago it assumed new importance as a pattern of things to come when Jesus Christ declared: Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. Charles Taze Russell | American religious leader | Britannica (Judges 4:24; 5:31) How blessed were Deborah, Barak, and Jael for putting faith in Jehovah God! What you are gonna find is the Bible was written to, for, and by a specific people. Job: Sensor of Jewish Talmud Jehovah-YHWH-tetragrammation-Yahweh-Yahawah-Yahuwah are ALL the fallen angel god of mischief and ruin, the Devil also known as Satan. C. Leemans, C. Wessely, A. Dieterich, and F.C. He heard the name above all names. Even the Jews have been mislead since 314AD so that is why he is the God of this system because the name you call upon is not the one you need to live and reap the paradise of God. All the inhabitants of the district, with their cities, their homes, their gardens and all the well-watered fertile country, were overthrown in the fiery disaster. Im on the same planet with you people? Those who claim differently are simply making weak or completely bogus arguments. Theres a reason his tombstone says the Laocedian messenger he also built a huge pyramid for his burial site that depicts a cross and a crown with the watchtower written on it A CROSS and blatent idolizing of himself . One question why do you use the letter H twice when trying to figure out the meaning of Jehovah when the word JEHOVAH only has one H You say JEH then say HOVAH and if you put those two together that is JEHHOVAH and no where in the bible have I found that JEHOVAH has 2 Hs. No longer would they have to submit to his laws. Thus Jehovah had been long-suffering. In 1278, a translator named Ramon Martin, (or Raymundus Martini) a Spanish monk of the Dominican Order, wrote Pugio Fidei. We would not be able to choose right or wrong because we would be "programmed" to only do right. The "Harsh" God of the Old Testament | Answers in Genesis 2 Yet who are doing these wicked things to others? In fact, there is no scripture in the bible where Satan has questioned Gods right to rule. In the garden of Eden, Satan called God a liar who withholds good from his creatures. They were not so weak that they could not have resisted when the Devil tempted them. Most Christians are familiar with the word Jehovah. Help us seek a deeper connection to You. Would you like to read this article in %%? Many former JWs have fallen into the trap of saying their God (when referring to Jehovahs Witnesses) and including abusive speech directly against God, possibly without even realizing it. Did the Jews believe Satan never rebelled against God and that he was not evil? Prosperity has a very temporary effect on the person, but adversity has a . (a) Who are doing wicked things? Jehovah and Satan are both ends of the Spectrum. 15:9. they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked, Deut. Wickedness, Wicked - Centuries later, a group of Jewish scholars called the Masoretes wanted to restore the word. All rights Reserved. 6:1-7; 2Pet. They give nothing to the poor and sit and wait for the UN to give them orders where they have a seat since the begining of their conception pretty much. Jeremiah 1 is a deeply significant for the life of any religious person, especially for us Christians. Most browsers support cookies, but users can set their browsers to decline them and can delete them whenever they like. Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism: Which is the true religion and why? Enter your email address to Subscribe to new articles by email. If a snake came up to you and talked right now and promised you a million dollars, would you believe it? But as it is, humans have had plenty of time to develop a government that would satisfy the needs of all its subjects, as well as make scientific discoveries that could contribute to the prosperity of all. Jewah and Jehouah were also written forms adapted and accepted through the ages. In Revelation 12:9 we are told that Satan is the name of the serpent or of the devil. The God, Jehovah, Jesus that we worship and praise is a God of Judgement. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You might see the Masoretic text referred to in footnotes as MT or M-text. They have resulted in great human suffering. No, plus wouldnt you wonder why a snake is talking in the first place. Evidence that Satan's claims were false. All Christians have felt God's call We are always on the lookout for new . The Power of Fasting and Praying, Esau is the modern day Caucasian (White Man), From the Tabernacles of EdomEsau.. .the father of the caucasian race also known as Edom and Idumaean. I did my studies and I do know that Jehovah is Satan. Instead, there is more unhappiness and trouble on earth than ever before. This is not me because I do NOT have any Facebook account. The LORD of Heaven and Earth have mercy on you. (Moses 7:22), (Abraham 1:21-31), (Psalms 22:12-18). The devils trickery, mockery and disrespect are mind blowing. Is this an accurate depiction of Yashiya Christ? Have the past 6,000 years of history shown that humans have been successful in governing themselves without Gods guidance? Most Christians are familiar with the word Jehovah. Photo Credit: GettyImages/digitalskillet. This theory is based on Rev 1:4-5 and Rev 1:8 (note in these scriptures that God: is, was, and is to come). How We Know that God Will Put an End to Wickedness How can Christianity be true when ancient Satanism and the satanic scriptures predate Christianity and Jesus? So ultimately, all wickedness is described in the Old . One thinks theyre stating irrefutable fact, and begins telling the world, Jehovah is evil Jehovah is Satan. But have you often wondered, like I havehow and why it came to be used in this way? In fact, he went on to tell Eve: For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad.Genesis 3:1-5. Put the two (Je + hovah) together and you get God of ruin, mischief, calamity, perversion, wickedness and noisome. They decreed it should only be spoken by the high priest during the designated Day of Atonement, one of Israel's major holy festivals. This only proves JEHOVAH made the first humans, Stupid then and not with a PERFECT mind???? "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them. Period. His name means TO BE. They began making their own decisions as to what was good or bad, Just as man was created with the need to eat food and drink water, he was also created with the need for Gods guidance, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Otherwise he too would have been martyred like our messiah and all of his disciples but one. They have harnessed the atom and traveled to the moon. After the Exodus, Moses wrote theORIGINAL NON-CORRUPTED SCRIPTURES in Paleo-Hebrew/Greek in 1446 BC, ( ) did not appear in them. (Heb. Priests have MORE POWER than God Himself. Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? Titles of Pope that confirm he stands as Antichrist. The suffix HOVAH is No. Further each year you celebrate the death of the messiah and do not partake in the bread or wine as he asked you pass it off and reject it. Neither of the two quoted scriptures support this hypothesis either. The Tetragrammaton YHWH appears without its own vowels, and its exact pronunciation is debated(Jehovah, Yehovah, Jahweh, Yahweh) The Hebrew. Strongs Number H3068 matches the Hebrew (Yhovah),which occurs 6,519 times in 5,521 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the KJV. Exodus 6:3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. In fact, much of the suffering on earth would be prevented if people obeyed Gods laws. Yod~He~Vav~He, & YHWH are chanted during witchcraft, divination, & sorcery. (b)What shows that Adam and Eve could have resisted Satans temptations? Voisin had said that he found the name Jehova (written yehova and yohova) used in 3 of the 4 manuscripts of Pugio. The tetragrammaton ( ) is used on satanic tarot cards. There is no such thing as YAHWEY-JESUS, or YESHUA-JESUS. Walk With God in These Turbulent Times Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY Keep in mind that for century after century, bible translators fluent in the Hebrew and Greek languages used the English name Jehovah as the equivalent to the Hebrew divine name meaning I am that I am, which God himself explained to Moses. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society produces religious literature primarily for use by Jehovah's Witnesses.The organization's international writing, artwork, translation, and printery workforce are all baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah in American English (dhouv) noun 1. a name of God in the Old Testament, a rendering of the ineffable name, JHVH, in the Hebrew Scriptures 2. Father God, thank You for revealing Yourself to us in such a personal way. 7:17-24. So, instead of remaining aloof and distant, He chose to reveal Himself. God will repay evil people for their wicked acts as the bible stated . If not, then you are obeying Satan the Devil. The fact that a particular set of sounds in Algonquin is used for one meaning and for another meaning in Egyptian means nothing. These excerpts from the King James translation give some glimpses into how God stays near and active on our behalf. True, we are living in days when wickedness is rampant and evildoers multiply, but Jehovahs promises point to a complete end of wickedness. Discussing mans original sin against God, a footnote in The Jerusalem Bible says: It is the power of deciding for himself what is good and what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence . You do not want to obey a Devil do you? Matthew 18:7. I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand." JEREMIAH 2:19 KJV "Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy Man has asserted his right to rule himself. Jeremiah 10:23. Psalm 4-4. Exo 6:3 And I appearedH7200 untoH413 Abraham,H85 untoH413 Isaac,H3327 and untoH413 Jacob,H3290 by the name of GodH410 Almighty,H7706 but by my nameH8034 JEHOVAHH3068 was I notH3808 knownH3045 to them. I can understand the YH=yah, but how did you get two syllables from WH? Jehovahs witnesses are of the most hyprocritical beings on the planet disfellowshipping members for reporting sexual assults and their own families wont even talk to them. JEHOVAH is cruel and his people are cruel. ( ) is the Jewish moon god, also known as BAAL & Allah the moon god. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. *THE JEWISH MASORETES INSCRIBED THERE GODS NAMES IN OUR TEXT!! To further illustrate the English name of God Jehovah is pronounced in different ways in different languages and yet all share the same meaning. Satan offering more tools and confusion. Jehovah definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary This became a source that is seen in many commentaries of theologians, even until today. A grandson could actually be your grandfather. 2:1-3. Satan does NOT mean truth. Why does Satan mean truth in Sanskrit and Jehovah means evil God in Hebrew? (Matthew 4:10) But they did not. The Scripture stresses that humankind's wickedness had come to the place where judgment was necessary. Notice how thorough the cleanup that Jehovah will conduct on this earth. He is present with us in times of suffering. God did work under the name of Jehovah, from His leadership of the Israelites out of Egypt to the end of the Age of Law. An era of violence and immorality resulted. God uses anguish, not to demolish us but to make us widen. Christian theologians began to make the pronunciation or spelling as Jehovah, choosing to disregard or dismiss the Masoretic translations of the word. Why Does Jehovah Mean as a Name for God? - GOD WARNS AGAINST WICKEDNESS - Psalm - Biblearena It's only temporary though. 2:6) Thus God is certain to follow that pattern of action in connection with the wicked generation that encumbers the earth today. 50:21) The long-suffering of God, intended to give full opportunity to evildoers to repent, has been misconstrued by some and they have lulled themselves into a dangerous complacency. But there is no scriptural basis for this hypothesis. John Michael Friedrich on LinkedIn: #christ #jesus #jehovah #yeshua # The Psalmist calls on God to remind those who are evil that He will not tolerate evil being done to His people. (a) What is the situation on earth today? 1. Just as the king James version also translated by Martin Luther was allowed because he followed the vaticans orders. We praise You for being our Provider, our Peace, our Deliverer, and our Healer. This statement is the first statement the Watchtower has made that has some truth. To Chase Cordelia, But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.Ps. 4 A person may at first think that there could be no reason great enough for God to allow all the human suffering that has been experienced over the centuries. Earlier Variations, Prior to Raymundus Martini. If a snake came up to you and talked right now and promised you a million dollars, would you believe it? They went out on their own, doing what was good or bad according to their own decisions. They then attempt to butter the bread and flavor it. False Teachings of Church Christianity!!!! Like it is our Last - by scottaphillips 10 Throughout history all kinds of governments have been tried, but none have brought security and real happiness to all those living under their rule. Compare H3050, H3069. We do see in earlier verses people using the divine name so this verse is not saying they didnt know or use the name. YAHWEYS negro~Babylonian/Aramaic/Assyrian language did not exist until 300 BC. For 1,146 years the true sacred name of The Creator God was in the Parchments. Copyright 2023 Jehovah's Witnesses. GOD'S PROMISES POINT TO END OF WICKEDNESS True, we are living in days when wickedness is rampant and evildoers multiply, but Jehovah's promises point to a complete end of wickedness. The conventional Christian English pronunciation of Jah is / d /, even though the letter J here transliterates the palatal approximant (Hebrew Yodh).The spelling Yah is designed to make the . YAHOVAH/YEHOVAH/JEHOVAH are all pagan names that originated in Canaanite (negro) Vulcan.
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