From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: A Guide for Campus-Based Leadership and Practice is a vital wealth of information for college and university presidents and provosts, academic and student affairs professionals, faculty, and practitioners who seek to dismantle institutional barriers that stand in the way of achieving equity, specifically racial equity to achieve equitable outcomes in higher education. In the list are links to affiliate partners. The university created the liturgy in partnership with members of the descendant community, the Archdiocese of Washington and the Society of Jesus in the United States. Dubuisson described how the public reputation of the Jesuits in Washington and Virginia declined as a result of the sale. [46] Due to financial difficulties, Johnson sold half his property, including some of the slaves he had purchased in 1838, to Philip Barton Key in 1844. There is joy in that, she said, exhilaration even. However, the history of the sale and the Jesuits' slave ownership was never secret. The grave of Cornelius Hawkins, one of 272 slaves sold by the Jesuits in 1838 to help keep what is now Georgetown University afloat. It has been stated that value of slaves in America was more valuable than all the industrial and transportation capital of the United States in the first half of the 19th century. That alumnus, Richard J. Cellini, the chief executive of a technology company and a practicing Catholic, was troubled that neither the Jesuits nor university officials had tried to trace the lives of the enslaved African-Americans or compensate their progeny. Are You A Liturgist With A Passion to Form Young Adults? Tweet. Georgetown and the Society of Jesus Maryland Province have issued an apology for their role in this action to more than 100 descendants who had been traced at the time of the apology. Georgetown Reflects on Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation Georgetown is engaged in a long-term and ongoing process to more deeply understand and respond to the university's role in the injustice of slavery and the legacies of enslavement and segregation in our nation. [53], With work complete, in August 2015, university president John DeGioia sent an open letter to the university announcing the opening of the new student residence, which also related Mulledy's role in the 1838 slave sale after stepping down as president of the university. A Reader on Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation A microcosm of the history of American slavery in a collection of the most important primary and secondary readings on slavery at Georgetown University and among the Maryland Jesuits Georgetown Universitys early history, closely tied to that of the Society of Jesus in Maryland, is a microcosm of the history of American slavery: the entrenchment of chattel slavery in the tobacco economy of the Chesapeake in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; the contradictions of liberty and slavery at the founding of the United States; the rise of the domestic slave trade to the cotton and sugar kingdoms of the Deep South in the nineteenth century; the political conflict over slavery and its overthrow amid civil war; and slaverys persistent legacies of racism and inequality. [37] As censure for the scandal,[39] Roothaan ordered Mulledy to remain in Europe,[35] and Mulledy lived in exile in Nice until 1843. The first payment on the remaining $90,000 would become due after five years. Much more than a way to chat. Other Jesuits voiced their anger to the Archbishop of Baltimore, Samuel Eccleston, who conveyed this to Roothaan. One building was renamed for Isaac Hawkins, first on the list of the 272 human beings sold in 1838. Your email address will not be published. Were sorry registration isn't working smoothly for you. It lists the slaves by name according to plantation where they lived, identifies family groups, and records which ship (1, 2, or 3) they were shipped in. Login to post. CNN In 1838, the Jesuits who ran Georgetown University sold 272 enslaved people to pay off the university's debts. 272 Slaves Were Sold to Save Georgetown. The two feared that because the public would not accept additional manumitted blacks, the Jesuits would be forced to sell their slaves en masse. [72][70] Georgetown also made a $1million donation to the foundation and a $400,000 donation to create a charitable fund to pay for healthcare and education in Maringouin, Louisiana. We see that slavery was MUCH more than depriving people of their liberty and theft of their services, it was the cruel and long lasting emotional devastation of selling away loved ones, taking indecent liberties, cruel and inhumane treatment and so much more. The university itself owes its existence to this history, said Adam Rothman, a historian at Georgetown and a member of a university working group that is studying ways for the institution to acknowledge and try to make amends for its tangled roots in slavery. And she learned that Cornelius had worked the soil of a 2,800-acre estate that straddled the Bayou Maringouin. The sale prompted immediate outcry from fellow Jesuits. A white man, he admitted that he had never spent much time thinking about slavery or African-American history. But the popes order, which did not explicitly address slave ownership or private sales like the one organized by the Jesuits, offered scant comfort to Cornelius and the other slaves. Other industries made loads of money indirectly. They worried that new owners might not allow the slaves to practice their Catholic faith. [37], Before Roothaan's order reached Mulledy, Mulledy had already accepted the advice of McSherry and Eccleston in June 1839 to resign and go to Rome to defend himself before Roothaan. Corneliuss extended family was split, with his aunt Nelly and her daughters shipped to one plantation, and his uncle James and his wife and children sent to another, records show. When the Society of Jesus was suppressed worldwide by Pope Clement XIV in 1773, ownership of the plantations was transferred from the Jesuits' Maryland Mission to the newly established Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergymen. The New York Times would like to hear from people who have done research into their genealogical history. To this day the search continues. But he was persuaded to reconsider by several prominent Jesuits, including Father Mulledy, then the influential president of Georgetown who had overseen its expansion, and Father McSherry, who was in charge of the Jesuits Maryland mission. Three Jesuits traveled aboard The Ark and The Dove on Lord Baltimore's voyage to settle Maryland in 1634. Jesuit Father Hans Zollner will be a consultant for the Diocese of Romes office dedicated to safeguarding minors and vulnerable people. The site includes a searchable database with genealogies of descendants who have died. [70], The Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergymen was created in 1792 to preserve the property of the. The remainder of the slaves were accounted for in three subsequent bills of sale executed in November 1838, which specified that 64 would go to Batey's plantation named West Oak in Iberville Parish and 140 slaves would be sent to Johnson's two plantations, Ascension Plantation (later known as Chatham Plantation) in Ascension Parish and another in Maringouin (Iberville Parish). While the plantations were initially worked by indentured servants, as the institution of indentured servitude began to fade away in Maryland, African slaves replaced indentured servants as the primary workers on the plantations. Leaders in policy, business, technology, science, history, arts and culture engaged with top journalists on the most consequential issues of our time. [136] Eufrosina Hinard (born 1777), a free black woman in New Orleans, she owned slaves and leased them to others. He was valued at $900. Now they are real to me, she said, more real every day.. Although modern slavery is not always easy to recognize, it continues to exist in nearly every country. Ms. Crump is a familiar figure in Baton Rouge. The children with Mr.. Kenney found the slaves facing arbitrary discipline, a meager diet, pastoral neglect, and engaging in vice. Central concepts and key points are illustrated through campus examples. They could then make 40% on the labor of the slave and pay the bank 8%. It would not survive, Father Mulledy feared, without an influx of cash. Eventually, Roothaan removed Thomas Mulledy as provincial superior for disobeying orders and promoting scandal, exiling him to Nice for several years. In November, the university agreed to remove the names of the Rev. In 1836, the Jesuit Superior General, Jan Roothaan, authorized the provincial superior to carry out the sale on three conditions: the slaves must be permitted to practice their Catholic faith, their families must not be separated, and the proceeds of the sale must be used only to support Jesuits in training. [56][62] In 2016, The New York Times published an article that brought the history of the Jesuits' and university's relationship with slavery to national attention. Start Free Trial Now Our membership program offers special benefits for just $99 per year: *Unlimited instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows, *FREE Two-Day Shipping on millions of items, *Unlimited, ad-free streaming of over a million songs and more Prime benefits, Join Amazon Prime Watch Thousands of Movies & TV Shows Anytime Start Free Trial Now. Articles in the Woodstock Letters, an internal Jesuit publication that later became accessible to the public, routinely addressed both subjects during the course of its existence from 1872 to 1969. Leave a message for others who see this profile. Limit 20 per day. (The two men would swap positions by 1838.). Ashby's account book at Newtown.For a spreadsheet with all the data transcribed, seeGSA5. Thomas F. Mulledy and the Rev. You can also manage your account details and your print subscription after logging in. list of slaves sold by georgetown university. [72] In 2021, the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States pledged to raise $100million for a newly created Descendants Truth and Reconciliation Foundation, which would aim to ultimately raise $1billion, with the purpose of working for the benefit of descendants of all slaves owned by the Jesuits. The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II An astonishing book. Some of that money helped to pay off the debts of the struggling college. Most of the 314 enslaved people were sent to Louisiana, but about a third remained in Maryland or were sold to other locations, according to an article on the website. [26] Johnson and Batey were to be held jointly and severally liable and each additionally identified a responsible party as a guarantor. Georgetown owned these human beings and they had been used to build the institutions physical buildings, tend farms and perform hard labor under rigid control. In the uproar that followed, he was called to Rome and reassigned. On June 19, 1838, the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus agreed to sell 272 slaves to two Louisiana planters, Henry Johnson and Jesse Batey, for $115,000 (equivalent to approximately $2.96million in 2021). Remembrance Hall became Anne Marie Becraft Hall, after a free black woman who founded a school for black girls in the Georgetown neighborhood and later joined the Oblate Sisters of Providence. We pray with you today because we have greatly sinned and because we are profoundly sorry. This message was delivered to more than 100 descendants of the original enslaved people who had been sol to finance the institution. [70], In 2019, undergraduate students at Georgetown voted in a non-binding referendum to impose a symbolic reparations fee of $27.20 per student. people, women and others in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Cupich: Critics of Pope Francis Latin Mass restrictions should listen to JPII. This resulted in families being split for economic reasons with no consideration of human relationships. We can't do it without youAmerica Media relies on generous support from our readers. Today, the universitys leaders, students and alumni are grappling with how to confront that history. The Jesuits had sold off individual slaves before. Key then transferred this property to John R. Thompson. He was allowed to continue paying well beyond the ten years initially allowed, and continued to do so until just before the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, during the Civil War. She still wants to know more about Corneliuss beginnings, and about his life as a free man. [64] Mulledy Hall, a student dormitory that opened in 1966,[65] was renamed as BrooksMulledy Hall in 2016, adding the name of a later president, John E. Brooks, who worked to racially integrate the college. [7] In 1830, the new Superior General, Jan Roothaan, returned Kenney to the United States, specifically to address the question of whether the Jesuits should divest themselves of their rural plantations altogether, which by this time had almost completely paid down their debt. African-Americans are often a fleeting presence in the documents of the 1800s. The presidents of Harvard University and Georgetown University discuss their institutions historic ties to slavery in a conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates. Georgetown and the College of the Holy Cross renamed buildings, and the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States pledged to raise $100 million for the descendants of slaves owned by the Jesuits. Cardinal McElroy responds to his critics on sexual sin, the Eucharist, and LGBT and divorced/remarried Catholics, Worried you retired too early? Cornelius had originally been shipped to a plantation so far from a church that he had married in a civil ceremony. Examined and found correct, he wrote of Cornelius and the 129 other people he found on the ship. To see the posts, click here. But the revelations about her lineage and the church she grew up in have unleashed a swirl of emotions. Hundreds of Blacks were slaughtered and 10,000 left homeless in this largely unknown event. Inspiring Stories of Black History and Achievement, 272 Slaves Sold to Finance Georgetown University. It also notes slaves who had run away, and those who had been "married off." The church records helped lead to a 69-year-old woman in Baton Rouge named Maxine Crump. The website is part of a collaboration between Boston-based American Ancestors, also called the New England Historic Genealogical Society, and the Georgetown Memory Project, which was founded by Georgetown alumnus Richard Cellini. He demanded that Mulledy travel to Rome to answer the charges of disobeying orders and promoting scandal. We receive a small royalty without cost to you. [29], Not all of the 272 slaves intended to be sold to Louisiana met that fate. [17], Mulledy and McSherry became increasingly vocal in their opposition to Jesuit slave ownership. ). The students organized a protest and a sit-in, using the hashtag #GU272 for the slaves who were sold. Continue to scroll for fascinating Videos and Books to enhance your learning experience. By the 1840s, word was trickling back to Washington that the slaves new owners had broken their promises. [16] Mulledy in particular felt that the plantations were a drain on the Maryland Jesuits; he urged selling the plantations as well as the slaves, believing the Jesuits were only able to support either their estates or their schools in growing urban areas: Georgetown College in Washington, D.C. and St. John's College in Frederick, Maryland. A fantastic research tool with video camera, navigation programs and so much more. Documents provide the factual framework, but people supply the human story.. Slaves were often threatened with having family members sold away, splitting parents from even infants because of minor infractions as determined by the slave owner. Maxine Crump, 69, a descendant of one of the slaves sold by the Jesuits, in a Louisiana sugar cane field where researchers believe her ancestor once worked. You can either click on the link in your confirmation email or simply re-enter your email address below to confirm it. Now shes working for justice. So Judy Riffel, one of the genealogists hired by Mr. Cellini, began following a chain of weddings and births, baptisms and burials. After the sale, Cornelius vanishes from the public record until 1851 when his trail finally picks back up on a cotton plantation near Maringouin, La. At the time, the Catholic Church did not view slaveholding as immoral, said the Rev. As early as the 1780s, Dr. Rothman found, they openly discussed the need to cull their stock of human. (Slaves were often donated by prosperous parishioners.) [52] In 2014, renovation began on Ryan and Mulledy Halls to convert them into a student residence. An alumnus, following the protest from afar, wondered if more needed to be done. As part of Georgetown University's Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation initiative, students in Professor Adam Rothman's fall 2019 UNXD 272 class researched buildings and sites on Georgetown's campus to provide historical context for understanding their significance. this helps us promote a safe and accountable online community, and allows us to update you when other commenters reply to your posts. [58] In November of that year, following a student-led protest and sit-in,[59] the working group recommended that the university temporarily rename Mulledy Hall (which opened during Mulledy's presidency in 1833)[60] to Freedom Hall, and McSherry Hall (which opened in 1792 and housed a meditation center)[61] to Remembrance Hall. The ship manifest of the Katharine Jackson, available in full at the. The Society of Jesus, whose members are known as Jesuits, established its first presence in the Mid-Atlantic region of the Thirteen Colonies alongside the first settlers of the British Province of Maryland, which had been founded as a Catholic colony and refuge. It will challenge and change your understanding of what we were as Americans and of what we are. Chicago Tribune In this groundbreaking historical expos, Douglas A. Blackmon brings to light one of the most shameful chapters in American history an Age of Neo slavery that thrived from the aftermath of the Civil War through the dawn of World War II. Thomas R. Murphy, a historian at Seattle University who has written a book about the Jesuits and slavery. [29] The slaves Mulledy gathered were sent on the three-week voyage aboard the Katherine Jackson,[27] which departed Alexandria on November 13 and arrived in New Orleans on December 6. The grave of Cornelius Hawkins, one of 272 slaves sold by the Jesuits in 1838 to help keep what is now Georgetown University afloat.CreditWilliam Widmer for The New York Times. In addition to becoming physically dilapidated, all but one of the plantations had fallen into debt. In 1996, the Jesuit Plantation Project was established by historians at Georgetown, which made available to the public via the internet digitized versions of much of the Maryland Jesuits' archives, including the articles of agreement for the 1838 sale. History must be faced in order to heal and move forward! Check out some of the. The condition of slaves on the plantations varied over time, as did the condition of the Jesuits living with them. Meanwhile, Georgetowns working group has been weighing whether the university should apologize for profiting from slave labor, create a memorial to those enslaved and provide scholarships for their descendants, among other possibilities, said Dr. Rothman, the historian. In April 2017, Georgetown renamed buildings that had honored university leaders responsible for selling those enslaved Africans to Louisiana plantations. Why am I being asked to create an account? [13], Beginning in 1800, there were instances of the Jesuit plantation managers freeing individual slaves or permitting slaves to purchase their freedom. Several substitutions were made to the initial list of those to be sold, and 91 of those initially listed remained in Maryland. Alfred "Teen" Blackburn (1842-1951), one of the last living survivors of slavery in the United States who had a clear recollection of it. In 1838, the Jesuit priests who ran the countrys top Catholic university needed money to keep it alive. Thomas Lilly reported. They found the last physical marker of Corneliuss journey at the Immaculate Heart of Mary cemetery, where Ms. Crumps father, grandmother and great-grandfather are also buried. The college relied on Jesuit plantations in Maryland to help finance its operations, university officials say. Your source for jobs, books, retreats, and much more. Despite coverage of the Maryland Jesuits' slave ownership and the 1838 sale in academic literature, news of these facts came as a surprise to the public in 2015, prompting a study of Georgetown University's and Jesuits' historical relationship with slavery. [45] Patrick and Woolfolk's slaves were then sold in July 1859 to Emily Sparks, the widow of Austin Woolfolk. After the Jesuits vacated the buildings, Ryan and Mulledy Halls lay vacant, while Gervase Hall was put to other use. The truth was closer to home than anyone knew", "272 Slaves Were Sold to Save Georgetown. The enslaved were grandmothers and grandfathers, carpenters and blacksmiths, pregnant women and anxious fathers, children and infants, who were fearful, bewildered and despairing as they saw their families and communities ripped apart by the sale of 1838. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. These posts focus on the reality of Black life in America after the Civil War culminating in the landmark Brown v Board of Education that changed so many of the earlier practices. This is the original list of slaves from the Jesuit plantations compiled in preparation for the sale in 1838. [7] As early as 1814, the trustees of the Corporation of Roman Catholic Clergymen discussed manumitting all their slaves and abolishing slavery on the Jesuit plantations,[10] though in 1820, they decided against universal manumission. William McSherry, the college presidents involved in the sale, from two campus buildings. Father Mulledy took most of the down payment he received from the sale about $500,000 in todays dollars and used it to help pay off the debts that Georgetown had incurred under his leadership. The Jesuit leaders running the institution that would later become Georgetown University sold the 272 enslaved men, women and children in 1838 to settle mounting debts threatening the. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Join Amazon Prime Watch Thousands of Movies & TV Shows Anytime. Johnson and Batey agreed to pay $115,000,[5] equivalent to $2.96million in 2021,[25] over the course of ten years plus six percent annual interest. We encourage you to use these links as we receive a small royalty paid by the partner allowing you to help us without cost to you. It is interesting that the date was June 19th as many years later, it was on what is now recognized as Juneteenth. . This admissions preference has been described by historian Craig Steven Wilder as the most significant measure recently taken by a university to account for its historical relationship with slavery. The week also provided opportunities for members of the descendant community to connect with one another and with Jesuits through a private vigil on Monday night, a descendant-only dinner on Tuesday evening and tours of the Maryland plantation where their ancestors were enslaved. Slaves worked on the Jesuit plantations in Maryland that helped to sustain the Jesuits' religious and educational mission. [48] In 1977, the Maryland Province named Georgetown's Lauinger Library as the custodian of its historic archives, which were made available to the public through the Georgetown University Library, Saint Louis University Library, and Maryland State Library. Isaac Hawkins was the first enslaved person listed in the 1838 sale document. Anyone can read what you share. [50], In 1981, historian Robert Emmett Curran presented at academic conferences a comprehensive research into the Maryland Jesuits' participation in slavery, and published this research in 1983. The number of slaves transported to Louisiana (206) and the number left in Maryland (91) add up to 297, not 272, because some of the 272 slaves initially identified to be sold were substituted with replacements. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Some children were sold without their parents, records show, and slaves were dragged off by force to the ship, the Rev. Only 206 of the 272 slaves were actually delivered because the Jesuits permitted the elderly and those with spouses living nearby and not owned by Jesuits to remain in Maryland. What Does It Owe Their Descendants? A Reflection for Friday of the First Week of Lent, by Jill Rice. Although the working group was established in August, it was student demonstrations at Georgetown in the fall that helped to galvanize alumni and gave new urgency to the administrations efforts. Required fields are marked *. When you register, youll get unlimited access to our website and a free subscription to our email newsletter for daily updates with a smart, Catholic take on faith and culture from. For Black History Month 2021, we focused on Black Medical Achievements, Inventors and Scientists.To see those posts, click here. All of this was new to Ms. Crump, except for the name Cornelius or Neely, as Cornelius was known. Banks would finance land purchases using slaves as collateral. [38] While McSherry initially persuaded Roothaan to forgo removing Mulledy,[37] in August 1839, Roothaan resolved that Mulledy must be removed to quell the ongoing scandal. [3], Much of this land was put to use as plantations, the revenue from which financed the Jesuits' ministries. With time, Georgetown professors, students and alumni are taking a look at this portion and tracking the people sold to finance the institution. in Fr. This indispensable guide presents academic administrators and staff with advice on building an equity-minded campus culture, aligning strategic priorities and institutional missions to advance equity, understanding equity-minded data analysis, developing campus strategies for making excellence inclusive, and moving from a first-generation equity educator to an equity-minded practitioner. At Georgetown, slavery and scholarship were inextricably linked. We encourage you to visit our website, call us at (202)-687-8330, or email us at if you are interested in learning more or sharing your ideas and reflections.
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